Yoruba Vocabulary Adaptation to Skin tone.
Yoruba Vocabulary Adaptation to Skin tone.
Yoruba Vocabulary Adaptation to Skin tone.
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Yoruba Vocabulary Adaptation to Skin tone.
Passionate about Ennobling the Yoruba Culture. Member of Odu'a Organization of Michigan. Embracing the challenge of elevating our community through our language, culture, tradition and heritage. Anything and Everything Yoruba.
Over the last week or so, the Internet has been[...]
Harlem, from the 1920's to 50's, was the mecca for Black culture and excellence. From poets like Langston Hughes, politicians like Adam Clayton Powell to big band phenoms like Cab Calloway and Duke Ellington, this period called the Harlem renaissance, set style and trend worldwide. Harlem sirens and actresses also set trends of their own. Whether on film or a late night performance at the cotton club, these beauties did everything with style. Often breaking down racial barriers in entertainment and elsewhere these gorgeous ladies were talented, refined as well politically conscious.
Africa, My Africa; Black History Month Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailWhatsApp Share via:[...]
  IleOduduwa.com the Source is ennobling this great culture and  language of the Yoruba people is a worthy endeavor to undertake and continue to share with the world it’s rich history, heritage, traditions, culture, and language that is spoken by sixty million people around the world.
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