Legend of Queen Calafia an account of the people of what is today California, her namesake.

Colonial invasion of the west of America leading up to the gold rush took a toll on native Californians. So much so, the names and phenotypes of the original peoples of these territories have become obscured. Many museums and libraries, however, have writings detailing encounters of Western Americans by colonist such as the Spaniards. Montalva, a writer of the day, narrated the Legend of Queen Calafia and gave an account of the people of what is today California, her namesake.
He published Calafia’s legend in 1510 from much older works. The legend talks of a black queen, immortalized as a Goddess and ruling over California which was then a bountiful island. This island, full of tall beautiful Amazonian women adorned in gold were fierce fighters and were deployed in his narrative to defend Muslims against Constantinians around the world.

Contributed by Ms. C. Buford Black History 2020