Service of Song for Madam Grace Taiwo Amoo
Home going Service of Song honoring Madam Grace Taiwo Amoo mother, Sister, and grand mother. “Make a joyful noise unto the LORD”….Psalm 100
Celebration of Life
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The Nigerian American Table Tennis Development Center was Present at the 19th Annual African Unity Festival to showcase a growing...
Training Session at (NATTDC) Nigerian American Table Tennis Development Center Coach by former champion TJ. Training Session at NATTDC NATTDC...
Growing the Olympic Sport of Table Tennis in the Detroit Metro Area will have it’s challenges especially among African Americans and kids of diverse ethnicities. Table Tennis is very popular around the world, even in Canada but not as much in the United States. the Source is ennobling this great culture and language of the Yoruba people is a worthy endeavor to undertake and continue to share with the world it’s rich history, heritage, traditions, culture, and language that is spoken by sixty million people around the world.
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