Odu’a Organization of Michigan at HeadWrap Expo 2017
HeadWrapExpo2017 Participants and Odu’a Members The Odu’a Organization held a workshop demonstrations on how to wrap a Gele and hosted...
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HeadWrapExpo2017 Participants and Odu’a Members The Odu’a Organization held a workshop demonstrations on how to wrap a Gele and hosted...
Jenmi; Daughter of Oshun Oshun is a Nigerian Yoruba Orisha, a spirit or deity that reflects one of the manifestations...
IleOduduwa.com the Source is ennobling this great culture and language of the Yoruba people is a worthy endeavor to undertake and continue to share with the world it’s rich history, heritage, traditions, culture, and language that is spoken by sixty million people around the world.
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