Dark Knights
The Legends of King Arthur are romance tales based on bio-historical and prophetic knowledge of the divine popularized by a ruling class of Moorish European nobles as early as 100 A.D. Such is the story of the Black Knights of the round table personified by the hero Moriaen.

Moriaen’s romance is a classic Horus tale taken from the Egyptian Osirian myth in which he fights to regain his inheritance and protect his mother’s honor while bringing his parents back together.
The Theban Legion
Saint Maurice Black Knight of the Holy Lance

In 287, A.D. A legion of Gnostics from Thebes Egypt, some of the most fierce warriors ever known, defied an order to miser Christians (Gnostics in those days) given by the Roman emperor Maximian. Gnostic Christians, with the knowledge of the ancients were a threat to the Roman church. Maurice refused the order and was martyred along with thousands of his Theban troops in Switzerland. The murders catapulted the Legion to sainthood and Maurice became the patron saint of all Roman emperors, the Merovingian dynasty, the House of Savoy and many others. Maurice and the legion submitted to execution with the knowledge that they would find justice at the fall of the Roman Empire.
Royal Garb

The knight’s armor is said to shine, reflecting or mimicking the illumination of the body and mind in an enlightened process called transfiguration, pictured here in this 13th century portrait.