The play talked about the culture and especially our values and how we engage our elders and others on a daily bases.
Awa mẹta ni iya bi
Iya ran wa lọ soko
Oni kalo wusu wa
Agbegba wa lo soko
Aṣiṣe karakara
Kale mere bowale
Nigbati abọ wale
Erinla kan yosiwa
Komaje Komaje ka lo sile
Kalọ fere fun mama tobiwa
Our mother had three children and she sent us to the farm to go harvest some yams.
Off we went with our basket to the farm.
We work hard trying to be successful in bringing the reward home.
On our way back home a big elephant appear in front off us and block our path home. We couldn’t deliver the reward to our mother.